Lesson Plans


                  Lesson Title

                Causes of the American Civil War


                KeiAnna Bennett


                American History

Grade Level


Expected Duration



                Total students 25             9 African American          4 Hispanic            12 Caucasian     

                                                                1 LY ELL                


                The student will know the causes of the American Civil War


                SSS à SS.912.A.2.1 - Review the causes and consequences of the American Civil War

                Goal 3 à Standard 8 - Cooperative Workers
Florida students work cooperatively to successfully complete a project or activity.Bloom’s Taxonomy

                Knowledge- define the causes, label them on a T chart, write them in the essay and identify the specific details associated with the causes.


Teacher will go over five facts about the war and the video will also highlight facts about the American Civil War.

Five facts:

1.       More than 3 million men fought in the war.

2.       2% of the population – more than 620,000 died in the war.

3.       Disease was the chief killer during the war, taking 2 men for every 1 who died of battle wounds.

4.       By the end of the war, Unionist from every state except South Carolina sent regiments to fight for the North.

5.       At the start of the war, the value of all manufactured goods produced in all of the Confederate states added up to less than ¼ of those produced in NY alone.

Formal Assessment

T Chart Part 1

In a group of two-three students, students will highlight 5 major causes of the American Civil War and list the specific details of those causes in a T Chart. The student will list at least one paragraph with at least 4 -5 sentences in the portioned labeled Specific Details of the T Chart. Worth 2 points.

General Cause

Specific Details













Essay Part 2 à HOMEWORK

                Students will write a 5 paragraph essay expressing 3 causes of the American Civil war. The resource must consist of the text book chapter 8 p. 205 and if needed one source from online library JSTOR. The five paragraph essay must have the following: 3 causes making references to the text book (optional additional reference from JSTOR). Correct spelling, grammar and reference page. The paragraphs must consist of 5 sentences. The font must be 12 and any legible font is acceptable.  Worth 8 points.


                Textbook p.205

                Poster Boards – 12 total

                Markers  - minimum 24

                Software for Power Point

                Computer and projector over head capability- possibly smart board

                Power Point – The American Civil War

                Video Clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v70pQR9-XHU

Initial Assessment – Students’ Background Knowledge

o   Bell work – Write on board

                                List two or more points you recall from the American Civil War.

o   Discussion in class –

Does anyone remember a reason why America went to war?

Why were the people so outraged with each other?

What were some differences between the two sides?

Can you name states that were free and ones that were considered slave states?

Does anyone remember why state rights were so important at this time in history?


Jay Martinez – Before class make sure that today’s Power Point is printed and the print out for writing a five paragraph essay - put in his individual class folder located by my desk.

Instructional Model

                Direct Instruction

Step By Step Procedure

8:00am Class begins- Students take their seats and get their individual class folders by my desk.

Student will answer bell work in their class folders daily.

The student will begin today’s bell work written on the board “List two or more points you recall from the American Civil War.” (While the attendance is taken)

8:15am Introduce today’s topic and review students’ background knowledge

Share with class the 5 interesting facts located under Introduction

Discussion of 5 questions located under Initial Assessment

                8:30am Short video clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v70pQR9-XHU

                8:35am Power Point presentation – The American Civil War - students should take notes

                9:00am Explain assignment.  Students must complete a T Chart

In a group of two-three students, students will highlight 5 major causes of the American Civil War and list the specific details of those causes in a T Chart. The student will list at least one paragraph with at least 4 -5 sentences in the portioned labeled Specific Details of the T Chart. Worth 2 points. (Much like the assignment on the Revolutionary War we have completed previously.)

(Informal Assessment)

Teacher needs to circulate and assist students to make sure that the students understand the assignment, material, and are collaborating together respectfully.

9:35am Groups need to finish their work, wrap-up/closure and take this time to assign homework.

               Groups may leave their T Chart on the desk by the door on their way out.

               Teacher must remind the students of situations leading to the war:

                               Economy, Taxing, Slaves, Compromises, chapter 8 p.205

Home work Five Paragraph Essay –

The five paragraph essay must have the following: 3 causes making references to the text book (optional additional reference from JSTOR). Correct spelling, grammar and reference page. The paragraphs must consist of 5 sentences. The font must be 12 and any legible font is acceptable.  Worth 8 points.  Allow students to ask questions if needed and remind them to email if they have questions, as always. The due date is set for one week from now.

9:45am Class ends.